This specification describes a Linked Data vocabulary for asserting Verifiable Credentials related to PGP.
The following terms are used to describe concepts involved in the generation and verification of the Linked Data Proof signature suite.
Please review [[LD-PROOFS]] for more details regarding linked data proof suites.
The PGP Vocabulary is available via:
{ "@context": [""] }
The following classes are available for specifying information related to PGP.
An ascii armored public PGP key.
Term | publicKeyPgp |
URL | |
Expected Value | Ascii armored public PGP Key |
An ascii armored private PGP key.
Term | privateKeyPgp |
URL | |
Expected Value | Ascii armored private PGP Key |
A verificationMethod type for PGP.
Term | PgpVerificationKey2021 |
URL | |
Expected Value | Class |
A linked data proof type for PGP.
Term | PgpSignature2021 |
URL | |
Expected Value | Class |
The PGP vocabulary defined in this document may be used to construct linked data proofs.
Parameter | Value | Specification |
canonicalization algorithm | | [[RDF-DATASET-NORMALIZATION]] |
digest algorithm | SHA-256 | [[SHA-3]] |
signature algorithm | PGP Detached Signatures | [[RFC4880]] |
{ "id": "https:/", "type": "SignatureSuite", "canonicalizationAlgorithm": "", "digestAlgorithm": "", "signatureAlgorithm": "" }
This specification describes a Linked Data vocabulary for asserting Verifiable Credentials related to PGP.
The PGP vocabulary can be used with decentralized identifiers.
{ "@context": ["", ""], "id": "did:example:123", "assertionMethod": [ { "id": "did:example:123#test-id", "type": "PgpVerificationKey2021", "controller": "did:example:123", "publicKeyPgp": "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r\nVersion: OpenPGP.js v4.10.9\r\nComment:\r\n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\r\nKAA=\r\n=DVI0\r\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r\n" } ] }
The PGP vocabulary can be used with verifiable credentials.
{ "@context": [ "", "" ], "id": "", "type": ["VerifiableCredential"], "issuer": { "id": "did:example:123" }, "issuanceDate": "2020-03-10T04:24:12.164Z", "credentialSubject": { "id": "did:example:456" }, "proof": { "type": "PgpSignature2021", "created": "2019-12-11T03:50:55Z", "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod", "proofValue": "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\r\nVersion: OpenPGP.js v4.10.9\r\nComment:\r\n\r\nwnUEABYKAAYFAmAEmXwAIQkQNzyO0OYKPDsWIQSPfkGb1dh1xq44qq03PI7Q\r\n5go8O2UlAQDfPySvUIsTjXHYW+BmIipUC204GP+i014oBRwkp3mcvQD9HDFx\r\nm8P8aO6TCDtembKj/Bca7u3/99CNQjtQwkvOvAo=\r\n=QZTK\r\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\r\n", "verificationMethod": "did:example:123#test-id" } }
Do not include PII in PGP Keys.
Avoid using PGP keys with weak security, such as RSA keys of less than 2048 bits.
Review before selecting eliptic curve types.